When I popped into Lush a few weeks ago I picked up Brightside and Amandopondo to try out as I haven't had them before. Both of them have "citrusy" scents which I love as I find it really refreshing and really wakes you up if you're having a morning bath. Brightside is almost the same as The Comforter however it has a much stronger scent. Huge notes of orange and bergamot break out the moment you crush it amongst your bath water. It also tints the bath water to a bright orange colour which looks amazing!
Amandopondo on the other hand has a lot more of a relaxed scent. Hints of rose and lemon combine to give you a sweet uplifting fragrance that's relaxing and satisfying. To top it off, it has a cute purple rosebud inserted in the top
Have you tried out any bubble bars from Lush? What do you think of them?